If you have not used your card for a period of 12 months or longer you will be charged an inactivity fee from the 13th month onwards of £2/€2.50/$3 a month.
If you have not used your card for 12 months you can prevent the inactivity fee from being charged by using the card to make a transaction or using the card to withdraw cash. Any of these actions will prevent the inactivity fee from being charged for the next 12 months if the card is not used.
The inactivity fee is charged on a card after it has been inactive (not been topped up or used to spend or withdraw money) for a period of 12 months or longer.
The inactivity fee will be charged monthly from the 13th month that the card has remained inactive, until such a time that activity resumes on the account, the balance reaches zero or your card is cancelled or expires and in either case is not renewed or replaced.